The mission of Nevada Veterans Memorial Plaza is to preserve and honor the legacy of our fallen Nevadan Service Members since 1864. 

It is our responsibility to acknowledge the sacrifice and accomplishments of those who gave a part of their youth, or the entirety of their lives for these great States. It is our civic duty to remember the past and inspire the future. Our mission is to acknowledge and remember the Veterans of Nevada by building a plaza at the beautiful Sparks Marina.

Mei Herbert and Kristopher Dahir

Mei Herbert with our President, Kristopher Dahir

In Memory of Mei Herbert

We are deeply saddened yet profoundly grateful to celebrate the life of an extraordinary woman who touched the hearts of many in our community and around the world.

Mei Herbert stands as a remarkable figure whose contributions extend far beyond her impressive accolades and awards.

Her love for the mission of the Nevada Veterans Memorial Plaza (NVMP) was evident in her generous contributions and her participation in our community events.

Mei will be missed but her unwavering dedication and passion for service made a lasting impact, and her legacy will continue to inspire us all.

If you would like to make a donation in her memory, you can do so here.

*Community Messages*

  • Good to remember the sacrifices made

    Jim M.

  • I have family in the military. To see all these names of people who sacrificed their lives for ours. Just over all thankful for the beautiful sight memorial. A couple of my brother's friends are on there. Absolutely in awe.

    Veronica S.

  • Live in Yerington, Nv. Was walking the beautiful marina and came across this memorial...never knew it was here. It is absolutely spectacular and breathtaking! I have many family member and friends in the military...and so love this country and our freedom! That's why I sat here a minute and actually got choked up. Thank all you for this...freedom❤️‍🩹

    Peggy R.

  • My memories of my buddy Herman G. Zwirtz. He was awarded the Silver Star for heroic service. God bless you Pwee!!!!

    Laura K.

  • I was taking a walk and saw the memorial. It remids me of my brother. He passed 5 years ago in 2018. He is well missed. He was such a joy. He is a veteran and served in the Army. His name is DeAndrea Jones. He is well missed. I am honering him because he is in my heart and he deserves to be honored.

    Keosha J.

  • Amazing layout to respect the fallen

    Blake T.

  • On a warm spring morning, we paused to reflect the service of others and our family. Thank you for a place, we can stop and remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Army Strong!

    Erick W.

  • My story is my husband's story Robert John Mello 11 years in the Navy 4 tours of Vietnam. When my husband came home from Vietnam he found it hard to reintegrate with society but he did so he became the best husband and father that he could ever be and then grandfather. 2017 my husband and I noticed the overwhelming amount of homeless veterans and senior citizens in our community we opened up a house in sparks to house 7 veterans and senior citizens at a time in order to get them off the street and into permanent housing we worked with the city of Reno we were always so funded. My husband became ill in 2019. His battle just started with all his health issues linked to Agent Orange but he kept fighting and he kept fighting until March 1st 2022 when he passed away I renamed our organization after my husband who is the most caring person I have ever known to the Bobby Mello Opportunity House for homeless veterans in senior citizens . To this day I still do the best I can to help our community handing out food and hygiene products and clothing anything that can help our veterans on the street and I will continue to do this as long as I can possibly do it myself. My world is not the same as he was the glue that kept everything together in our life and our family's life but we all must continue and help as many as we can in his name. A memory of my husband Robert John Mello

    Michell M.

  • James V.

    Wonderful Memorial, I'm a Veteran from southern California and was moved tremendously by your memorial park, Thank you for doing this to remember the fallen.

  • Beautiful Memorial Thank you Sparks Nevada ✨️

    Fernando S.

  • I would like to share a small tid bit that helped me and maybe it can help the new generation. It's okay, we may be different in many ways but never feel alone because alot of us know what you're going through, some worse some less. Reach out even if that phone feels like a thousand pounds. Please reach out we are here for each other. -Semper fi

    Michael L

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